This page is simply a place to give a wide thank-you to all of those who have contributed to making the game what it is. Without you, I don't know where we'd be!
VK - For initial input in the beginning stages of CN.
Honour Bright - Constantly doing odd jobs for us (art and non art), sometimes on short notice. She has added much to CN with her art and ideas with such things as breed images, several in game images like the gift basket and free game images, seasonal/holiday banners, collector plushies, ideas for contests, research and help adding new sports, etc. She also is infamous for coming up with and surprising us with gift art on her own such as CN Air, the airplane banner that occasionally makes announcements in the village. In appreciation for such current and future endeavours, we surprised HB with an Unlimited Account on her birthday, September 24, 2011.
Candela - Always ready and willing to draw for us on short notice. Has drawn our wonderful prize ribbons and various holiday images. (awarded a forever unlimited account in May 2010 for her efforts)
Kosice - Starter skins.
Jana - For her contribution of great artwork throughout the site. The new village map.
Foxrun - For researching information for sport definitions.
Settican - Vet image.
Nova - Header dog image and various original items.
Sadey - New header dog image.
Lindisfarne and Elin - For your multiple contributions to the game in artwork.
Our Art Gallery contributors - Our dog breed pages wouldn't be the same without you guys! There are too many to name, but you all know who you are!